Border Security

Mayors push for Congress to address the migrant crisis

But could the partisan debate over the border derail funding to cities and efforts to avert a government shutdown?

GOP Governors Respond to Texas' Call for Troops at Border

Four more governors have joined a growing list of Republican-led states sending personnel to the U.S.-Mexico border. But is it effective? Plus, more news to use from around the country in this week's State and Local Roundup.

Texas Governor Hires 'Border Czar' to Accelerate Wall Construction

Mike Banks, a recently retired Border Patrol agent, will work with the Texas National Guard and state troopers to find ways to deter people from crossing the border illegally.

Federal Agencies Detail Their Priorities in Battling the Fentanyl Epidemic

Fentanyl seizures at the border have increased tenfold over the last three years.

Treasury Department Opens Investigation Into Texas Governor's Use of Federal Funds for Border Mission

Texas has been employing coronavirus relief money to help pay for the multibillion-dollar deployment.

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Converted Texas Prison Gets First Immigrant Detainees

Border-crossing immigrants are being arrested by Texas troopers on state charges like trespassing, and they’re starting to trickle into a prison emptied to house them.

Gov. Greg Abbott Wants to Build a Border Wall, but Does Texas have the Ability — or Money — to do so?

Critics have denounced Abbott's proposal as "political theater" that won't pass legal muster. But the two-term Republican governor says it's time to secure the border.

Gov. Greg Abbott says Texas Will Build a Border Wall, but Doesn’t Yet Give Details on Cost or Location

The governor suggested more details would be released next week. The announcement Thursday of several initiatives is the latest in an ongoing conflict between Abbott, a Republican, and Democratic President Joe Biden's administration.

Real ID Deadline Postponed Due to Coronavirus

President Trump pushed back the Oct. 1 deadline that would have required Americans to have Real ID compliant driver’s licenses and other identification cards in order to board an airplane.

The Border Patrol–to–Emergency Room Pipeline

The conditions in facilities at the border are so dire that many migrants are in need of medical care as soon as they are released.

Instead of a Border Wall, Why Not a ‘Clean Energy Corridor’?

Building solar panels and wind turbines along the U.S.-Mexico border, say scientists, could unite demands for a Green New Deal and stronger border security.

Talking Border Security with a Border-Town Mayor

Dee Margo is the mayor of El Paso, Texas, who's sparred publicly with President Donald Trump on border security.

County Leader Seeks to Stop Sewage Spills Along Border Amid Shutdown Fight

With tensions high over a wall, a San Diego County supervisor is focused on funding for waterworks.

Trump's Border Barrier Hits a Wall

The administration would need to acquire private property to build his barricade, which will put the president at odds with many in his own party.

Foes and Friends on the Arizona Border

State officials seek a balance between fighting crime and boosting Mexican tourism.